CABLE MODEM RCA Digital Cable Modem

CABLE MODEM RCA Digital Cable Modem

CABLE MODEM RCA Digital Cable Modem

CABLE MODEM RCA Digital Cable Modem

The installation was a brieze. This was the exact brand Comcast was using. So, I simply removed theirs and installed the new one. To get it activated, you have to first connect it directly to the computer. Shutdown both, connect cable to the modem, ethernet cable between the computer and modem, power up modem. Once all the lights stop flashing, start the computer. Start your browser. When you try to connect to a web page, the activation screen comes up. The activation page recognized the modem automatically and even pulled the MAC address for me so I didn't have to type it in. After activation, shutdown everything again, this time connect the wireless router between the modem and the computer and done - took less than 10 mins from opening the box to done. Now I am saving $7 / month.

I have a middle of the pack service plan and tested the modem speed (thru the wireless router) using and got more then 23 Mbps download and more then 4 Mbps upload speed.

CABLE MODEM RCA Digital Cable Modem
